Holiday Collection with Naveda Couture: Blue Capelet

It’s that time of the year. Parties after parties with no scope of repeating outfits! It’s a sad yet beautiful reality. I get to wear new outfits or old retrofitted with accessories to give them a “new” look. But then there are always those occasions when just donning a “dress” just don’t cut the deal. There has to be a wow factor – something unique and trendy at the same

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A Noubeau’s Sweater Dress

Winter has taken a vicious turn lately. I remember few weeks ago, I was still basking in fall sun enjoying cooler climate and suddenly mother nature flipped the switch! What did just happen? There was hardly any transition from nice fall weather to harsh biting winter cold. Oh well, this is how weather in New England is. And before I could realize, my closet has turned into a winter and

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